Nocheto Client command line options

This page describes nochetoclient command line options.


Use --help to show command line options help.

Nocheto Client, Ubuntu20_04, author: Petr BĂ­lek (
USAGE: nochetoclient [-h|--help] [-o|--owner] [-d|--debug] [-c|--config <file.ini>] [-e|--engine <engine>] [-b|--board <boardtype>] [-p|--port <port>] [-i|--host <host>] [-m|--mode <mode>] [--unpausable] [--dummy]
	file.ini    - Read configuration from this file (after reading nocheto.ini, engines.ini and client.ini)
	engine      - name of engine section from config files or executable name
	              (default /usr/games/stockfish)
	boardtype   - Board GUI (default (iso), default-utf8 (utf8), ascii, ascii-utf8, compressed, compressed-utf8, kitty)
	              (default utf8)
	port        - port number of server
	              (default 8 001)
	host        - ip address of to server
	mode        - board, analyze or clock
	              (default board)


Use --debug to debug nochetoclient. This is for developing purposes only, you probably wouldn't need to use it.


Use --config filename.ini to read configuration file.

Nochetoclient always read ~/.nocheto/configs/nocheto.ini and ~/.nocheto/configs/client.ini files first and then the file required by --config option. So you can use this to create different ini configurations for different client use case.

The filename can be absolute path (i.e. ~/.nocheto/configs/tweak.ini) or just a basename (i.e. tweak.ini) in which case the full path is assembled from this basename and ~/.nocheto/configs/.

Board type

Use --board boardtype to select the desired view. Available boards are: iso, utf8 (the default), ascii, compressed, compressed-utf81.1.0, kitty2.0.0 and kitty-utf82.1.0.
See board type description for nocheto.


Use --port PORT number to select port on which clients looks for nocheto. Port number can by any number between 1024 and 65535, but it must be the same you use with ipv4 command in nocheto.


Use --host IP address to connect to nocheto on a different IP address.

Make sure there is no firewall blocking your connection.


Use --mode mode to select one of the modes nochetoclient can run.

There are two modes: board (the default) and analyze.

Board mode doesn't necessarily means you will see chess board. What you will see depends on the config file(s).


Use --engine <engine> to select which engine shoud run in analyze mode.

This option accepts the same values a play vs engine command.


Use --unpausable to ignore pause command comming from nocheto.

Pause command is send if nocheto runs analyze to get more processor's power. But if you are running nochetoclient on another computer than nocheto, this pausing is pointless. You can avoid it by using this option.


Use --dumy to simulate nochetoclient 2.X behaviour.

With this option nochetoclient does not accept any input from user.


Use --owner to print owners credentials.