Nocheto News

List of changes in every new nocheto release.

2025.02.02 New version released: 3.1.0!

This new release brings these exciting features:

New command `script`

New script command can be used to execute script written for nocheto.

Scripts can be used to add new functionality (new commands) to nocheto. They can be written in any programming language.

See Script documentation for more info and official scripts to download.

Hourglass added

Nocheto shows hourglass while the engine is thinking (during hint, play or analyze) or another time consuming commands are in progress (like `checkforupdate` command).

Hourglass are shown while Nocheto thinks
  • viewhourglass and setviewhourglass commands added
  • viewhourglass configuration in the [board] section of the config file was added. Please add viewhourglass = 1 into your ~/.nocheto/config/nocheto.ini file.

Other improvements

  • new clock command shows info about the current game clock
  • clock shows [] around timeouted time
  • `help!` can find command based on their names, not just on a key given by `help!!`
  • improved speed of moves tree table view drawing
  • `info` command was divided into info and version command
  • many new commands added to set value for options which could be only switched to this version:
    setviewfen, setautoboard, setviewcpmeter, setautoplay, setexpandtree, setexpandtabletree, setkeepontop, setspeach, setsounds, setsounds, setviewboard, setviewcoordinates, setviewevaluation, setviewexplorer, setviewgamesexplorer, setviewgraph, setviewmoves, setviewopening, setviewtablebase, setviewtree, setviewtabletree, and setviewvariants
  • table move tree shows the current move in two columns now
    Table move tree
  • new configuration options in [board] section:
    • currenttablemove_l = "*"
    • currenttablemove_r = "* "
    Please add them into your ~/.nocheto/config/nocheto.ini file.
  • listnags command does not show the note column if it doesn't fit on the console screen
  • improved help
    • better texts
    • added detailed documentation for most of the commands
    • moved `namespaces` command into 'extra' help group
    • 'tools' section divided into 'tools' and 'internet' sections
    • new help section 'gui' for kitty GUI related commands
    • new help group for Explorer
  • namespaces command without arguments shows set namespace(s)
  • [startup] section in the configuration file support the quit command

Other changes

  • Last game saved when nocheto exits is saved into last-game-3x.packbin (instead of last-game.packbin)
  • new viewcpmeter. option in the [board] section of the config file was added. It replaces the viewelometer option.
    Please replace viewelometer with viewcpmeter in your configuration files.

Bug fixes

  • catching exception while creating tablebase from FileCache (when FileCache is corrupted - until now nocheto crashed)
  • fixed kitty board position when "keep on top" is on and moves tree is off
  • fixed kitty board position with clock on
  • fixed lichess tablebase (cursed-win, blessed-loss ??)
  • fixed `cut` command (added FEN tag to PGN)
  • fixed move node comparsion which causes moves table sometimes not to show actual black move
  • fixed list command output without given limit on a small screen
  • fixed parsing PGN files with tags with underscore
  • fixed `clearboardcolors` command to take effect

2025.02.01 New version released: 2.7.1!

This release brings these improvements:

Bug fixes

  • fixed `clearboardcolors` command to take effect
  • fixed move node comparsion which causes moves table sometimes not to show actual black move
  • fixed/enhanced help texts