
Script can be used to add new commands to nocheto.

Official scripts

You need to be signed in to be able to download the scripts.
Command Description Require Download Size
client Open Kitty console with a nochetoclient and connect it to nocheto. kitty console 3.4KiB
gopen Use zenity (graphical user interface from gnome) to select PGN files to be opened. zenity 2.8KiB
gpgn As pgn command, but use GUI to get PGN from the user. tk (Toolkit for Tcl and X11) 3.0KiB
lll Download games from using its API PHP 7.2 or higher 4.1KiB

Install guide

  1. Download the script ZIP package and unzip the directory in it into ~/.nocheto/scripts/
    (The name of the directory will become the name of a new command in nocheto.)
  2. Add execute privileges to the file in the script directory (if the file exists)
    • chmod +x
  3. Follow other instructions in the INSTALL.txt file (if it exists in that directory)
  4. Read README.txt file to get more information about how to use/configure the script (if README.txt exists)

How to write a script for nocheto

  1. Create directory in ~/.nocheto/scripts/. The name of the directory will become the name of the new command in nocheto. Therefore it can consists only from small letters, numbers and undescores.
  2. In the directory create config.ini file. It can be empty, but it is required.
    You can add [aliases] section in it as in the standard configuration.
  3. Create script in the directory and make it executable (chmod +x
    When an user execute your script in nocheto, whatever the script returns in the standard output will be interpreted by nocheto as if it was written by the user.

Example of

echo "echo Hello world!"

You can study the official scripts to see how to write more complicated scripts.

Read more about scripts in the script help.

Read more about scripts in nocheto on the Nocheto script standard page.