Nocheto News

List of changes in every new nocheto release.

2024.08.23 New version released: 2.7.0!

This release brings these improvements:

New features

  • Added support for database v 4.0 (Nocheto 2.7 still can work with 3.0 version, so there is no need to update your current database(s))
  • New databases are created in 4.0 format. This update should help to upgrade from nocheto 2.x to nocheto 3.x
  • Nocheto icons include version number (2) now

Bug fixes

  • Lichess tablebase API was fixed. (It sometimes didn't return wins or loses correctly).

2024.07.05 New version released: 2.6.2!

This new minor release brings these bug fixes and improvements:

Bug fixes

  • fixed utf8 characters cutting (substring) in game explorer view
  • fixed initialization of variables in NochetoOptions.cpp (mergelist)
  • fixed memory arrangements
  • fixed search command with bp|black=
  • fixed promotion move comparsion (a8Q vs a8R etc.)
  • fixed reading PGN with (null) in Date TAG

Improvements and changes

  • last game saved into last-game-2x.packbin (instead of last-game.packbin)
  • improved parsing PGN files with malformed tags ending with \"]
  • added support for engines using Final instead of Total Evaluation
  • catching exception while creating tablebase from FileCache (when FileCache is corrupted)
  • speed up stalemate sign search in moves tree view

Note: These bug fixes and improvements were merged from the 3.0.0 release.

Note: Version 2.6.1 brings only updates related to building in new linux distributions. There was no need to release it.